1. Disassemble (v) 分解 = take part
Dissemble (v) 隱藏;偽裝 = hide
2. Draugh ( n) 草稿 = draft
Drought (n) 乾旱 = a long period of dry weather
3. Eminent (a) 著名的 = well-known
Imminent (a) 逼近的 = impending
4. Exalt (v) 提高;提倡 = elevate;promote
Exult (v) 欣喜 = rejoice greatly
5. Zealous (a) 熱情的 = enthusiastic
Jealous (a) 忌妒的 = envious
6.Ordinance (n) 法令規章 = law or rule
Ordnance (n) 大砲 = cannon or artillery
7. Parish (n) 教區 = a district of church
Perish (v) 消失 = die;be destroyed
8. Perpetrate (v) 犯罪 = commit
Perpetuate (v) 使永恆 = make perpetual
9. Personality (n) 個性 = character
Personalty (n) 動產 = personal property
10. Portable (a) 可攜帶的 = easily carried
Potable (a) 可飲用的 = drinkable
11. Prescribe (v) 開處方 = order as a remedy
Proscribe (v) 褫奪公權 = forbid by law
12. Amoral (a) 非道德的
Immoral (a) 不道德的
Unmoral (a ) 無關道德的
13. Chord (n) 弦 = string
Cord (n) 粗繩 = thick string
14. Reality (n) 事實 = fact
Realty (n) 不動產 = real estate
15. Prosper (v) 繁榮= flourish
Proper (a) 適當的 = fitting
16. Vacation (n) 假期 = holiday
Vocation (n) 職業 = work
Avocation (n) 興趣 = hobby
17. Emerge (v) 浮現 = come up
Immerge (v) 沉入 = submerge
18. Egoist (n)自私之人=selfish man
Egotist (n)自大之人=conceited man
19. Hung (a) 中止的 = suspended
Hanged (a) 吊死的 = put to death by hanging
20. Lay (v) 放置 = put, place
Lie (v) 靠著;說謊 = recline;trick
21. Historic (a) 歷史著名的 = famous
Historical (a)歷史的= about history
22. Cession (n) 分裂 =ceding
Session (n) 會議 = meeting