祝福 是沒有負擔的諾言
天長地久 妳一直在我心裡面
下雨打雷 日曬風吹 我是妳的屋簷
有妳在身邊 別的女孩我不瞧一眼
情願與妳 相守到永遠
人家說 追到妳得修三生福緣
終於我 如願等到了機會
成功牽起 相連妳我的紅線
眷顧來自老天 我會堅持 永不改變
屬於我們的未來 因妳而美
Very lucky to be with you,
A single second can be forever,
Love makes one into two,
Every moment I will remember,
Now I swear I won’t leave you,
Today, tomorrow, and the day after,
I’ll always be loving you,
Now and forever, you’re my only dear,
Even the end comes, my heart stays true,
Smile on your face is my biggest treasure,
Day and night, I am close to you,
A living wonder happened right here,
Yes, just between me and you.
明天是情人節Valentine’s Day,有人說情人節是「單身體認日Singles Awareness Day」,因為看著街上一對對的甜蜜情侶,更凸顯自己的形單影隻,體認到,自己仍是孤家寡人。
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!