
Wonderful Land 風光明媚

What a wonderful land!
The sunshine is warm, the ocean blue,
Several relaxed dogs sleeping right on the road,
What a wonderful land!  What a wonderful land!

那兒風光明媚 溫暖的陽光 湛藍的海水
三兩隻慵懶土狗 賴在馬路中間睡
那兒風光明媚 eh~ 那兒風光明媚

What a wonderful land!
The song won't come to an end,
The melody runs again and again,
Even beers and cigarettes can't make me drunk,
I hear country music here and there, floating in the air.
What a wonderful land!  What a wonderful land!     
那兒風光明媚 唱不完的歌 嗑不完的音樂
啤酒香煙都不會醉 搖擺不停的country music
那兒風光明媚 eh~ 那兒風光明媚

On account of that, you should let go of the past,
Enjoy the feeling of sunburn to your heart's content.                
既然如此 你就該拋棄負累
大辣辣的享受 陽光下被曬傷得滋味

Full moon won't always maintain its shape,
High tide usually comes with the following ebb, 
So you need to understand,
Imperfection can also be perfect.  
月有陰晴 潮起也有潮退
你也要試著 去欣賞 不完美的美

What a wonderful land!
Depends on how you pursue it.
What a wonderful land!
Depends on how you feel it.      
那兒風光明媚 eh~ 看你怎麼去追
這兒的風光明媚 eh~  看你怎麼體會

梁文音 風光明媚 (只有聲音,無影像)







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