《分享好聲音》David Archuleta「Elevator」
前幾天騎車上班途中,一邊騎一邊聽著Apple Line蘋果線上電台,正在從安平工業區轉到健康路的那時候,突然聽到一首輕快的歌曲。
旋律很舒服好聽,歌聲也很不賴,但由於Apple Line是個沒有DJ主持節目只有音樂不停放的電台,因此我無從得知歌名。
但印象最深刻的就是這兩句歌詞:「Elevator goes up, elevator come down…」
於是我在搜尋列輸入「Elevator goes up, elevator come down」,一按搜尋,不到一秒鐘的時間答案就跑出來了。
原來這首歌是個才20歲的美國男歌手David Archuleta唱的。
歌名就叫做「Elevator」,這是他今年10月初才剛發行的第二張專輯《The Other Side of Down》的第二波主打。
David Archuleta - Elevator
再稍微查了一下他的資料,原來這個David Archuleta跟Declan一樣,也是年紀輕輕就展露其歌唱才華。
六歲時聽到「悲慘世界」音樂劇之後深受啟發,十歲參加猶他歌唱比賽時就已開始公開演出,當時最有名的曲目就是這首讓小胖林育群迅速竄紅的「I Will Always Love You」。
David Archuleta - I Will Always Love You (at age 10)
此外,我也在YouTube上找到了他稍大一點的另一段歌唱影片,這是上他某節目時現場演唱Alicia Keys的「Falling」。目測當時年紀應該有12、13歲,因為聲音雖然還是童音,但變得有一點不一樣了。
David Archuleta - Falling (at age 12 or so)
後來16歲時,他參加美國知名選秀節目「American Idol」,是第七季中年紀最小的參賽者。隔年2008年,觀眾緣超好的David,以高達44%的觀眾投票率(約9700萬人次),獲得第二名的佳績。
下面是他在「American Idol」的一些比賽片段,從裡面可以看得出他即使變聲了但還是很會唱,嗓音很有磁性,高低音控制也都游刃有餘,而且人緣好像真的很好!
David Archuleta - Audition for American Idol (試鏡片段)
David Archuleta - When You Belive (瑪莉亞凱莉指導)
David Archuleta - Imagine (決選之夜演唱片段)
同年8月,David推出了第一張專輯《Crush》,大獲好評,成績亮眼。今年10月份最新專輯《The Other Side of Down》出爐,他也參與了12首歌曲中10首歌的創作。
首波主打為「Something About Love」,雖然也很好聽,但我比較偏愛這首小品的「Elevator」。
David Archuleta - Elevator (Live現場版,唱到快不能呼吸了)
「You’ll never know what you’re gonna get. What you don’t expect will come and find you. 你永遠不知道你會遇到什麼。那些你沒有預期的驚喜將會主動來找你。」
所以啦,just go with the flow,放手享受人生的律動吧,就算開低也會走高阿,而若從要高處滑下時,就閉上眼睛準備尖叫、好好放膽去體驗弧度吧。
因為you’ll never know what you’re gonna get, and what you don’t expect will come and find you!
David Archuleta - Elevator Lyrics
Woah oh oh ohhh
I had a dream last night
I didn't know which floor to get off on, heyyyeyy
The doors, they opened on 4 and 5 and 6
And you were gone, all gone
I didn't understand
I didn't wanna know
At least I took a chance
I had to let it go
Elevator goes up
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high
And in my dream last night
The doors they finally shut and I was there, somewhere
Alone in my reality inside an empty box
That's filled with air
But I don't care, noooo
Next time I'll get it right
Next time I'll be okay
I'll have a different dream tonight
Tomorrow's another day
Elevator goes up (elevator goes up)
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high
You'll never know
What you're gonna get
What you don't expect will come and find you
If you laugh or cry
If you run and hide
But it's all right
Elevator goes up
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high