News of Hu Gua’s Gambling Fraud
1.TV variety show host (n) 電視綜藝節目主持人
2.Be indicted for (v) 被以…罪名起訴 = be accused of = be charged with
3.Gambling den (v) 賭博的小密室
4.Accomplice (n) 共犯 = accessory = conspirator
5.Socialite (n) 社會名流
6.District prosecutor (n) 地方檢察官
7.Set up concealed video recording equipment (v) 裝設隱密的錄影裝置
8.Play mahjhong (v) 打麻將
9.Do not hold a regular job (v) 不務正業
10.Posh home (n) 漂亮優雅的家
11.Recoup heavy losses (v) 贏回巨大的損失
12.Install four monitors in the air conditioning vents(v)在冷氣出風口裝四台監視器
13.State-of-the-art wireless gear (n) 最新的無線裝置
14.Halt the scheme (v) 停止陰謀 Join the scam (v) 參與騙局
15.Detect the dubious scheme (v) 察覺到可疑的陰謀
16.Tap the conversation (v) 竊聽對話
17.Suspect something fishy (v) 懷疑某事是可疑的
18.Extort money from sb. (v) 向…勒索錢
19.A large number of loyal fans (n) 眾多忠實粉絲
20.Exceptional sense of humor (n) 獨特的幽默感
21.Entertaining quips (n) 引人發笑的妙語
News of the Case of Train Derailment
22.New tourist spot (n) 新的觀光景點
23.Key suspect (n) 主嫌
24.Train Derailment (n) 火車出軌
25.Mysterious death (n) 離奇死亡
26.Out of curiosity (adv) 出於好奇心 (Out of + 情緒名詞 出於…)
27.Line up to (v) 排隊去…(Form a line (v) 排隊 Cut in line (v) 插隊)
28.Seek signatures (v) 索取簽名
29.Take pictures with them (v) 與他們合照
30.Vendors of sausages (n) 香腸小販
31.Cash in on (v) 利用…賺錢
32.Swarm his residence (v) 湧進他的住處
33.Liken A to B (v) 把A比喻成B
34.Tai-An Rest Area (n) 大安休息站
35.Grant an award to Lee Tai-an (v) 頒個獎給李泰安
36.Promote the development of local tourism (v) 振興本土觀光業
News of the Detention of Chao
37.Take sb. into detention (v) 拘提某人
38.Hold sb. incommunicado (v) 讓某人單獨監禁,不得與他人接觸
39.Set off firecrackers (v) 放煙火
40.Placard-carrying demonstrator (n) 拿標語牌的抗議民眾
41.Taipei detention house (n) 台北看守所
42.Disperse the crowd (v) 驅散民眾
43.Soar nine times (v) 狂升九倍
44.Insist on his innocence (v) 堅持清白
45.Be handcuffed (v) 被戴上手銬 (Handcuff (v) 戴手銬 (n) 手銬 )
46.Take aboard the prisoners’ van (v) 帶上囚車
47.No privileges were granted. 特權免談
48.Two-man cell (n) 兩人牢房
49.Official residence (n) 官邸
50.Paparazzi (n) 狗仔隊 (複數)
51.Lay siege to (v) 包圍
52.Suspend him as a practicing osteopath (v) 停他開業骨科醫師的職位
53.On-the-job course of study requirement (n) 在職進修課程
54.Revoke the license (v) 吊銷執照
55.Take a junket (v) 去公費旅遊 (尤指官員)